Jump Start Your Email List

Set it all up together!

1:1 Coaching with Paul to start your email marketing!
Let's get started together! We will start building your list, configure your optins, create your first sequence, write weekly newsletters, and more.

Stop putting off building your list!

There is power in your email list.

But only if you know how to tap into it. If you’re struggling to build your list, and you need help getting started - I got you! I will walk you through the steps!

Email Jump Start

Receive personalized coaching and assistance as we collaboratively lay the groundwork for email marketing. Over a span of three months, we'll establish and optimize your email marketing strategy.

  • 2 - 1 Hour Video Coaching Calls

  • Ongoing support with email and videos for 6 months

  • Build Your Email Template

  • Create First 3 Weekly Broadcast Emails

  • Create and Setup Lead Magnet

  • Setup & Configure Your Email Software

  • Write Your 1st Sequence Automation

  • Build 2 Landing Pages

  • Create Plan For Future Growth

Jump Start Your Email Marketing Today!

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About Paul Gowder

Paul Gowder

Paul Gowder is the founder of PowWows.com which has been the leading online community celebrating Native American culture. Paul’s techniques and skills have enabled him to build one of the largest and most engaged online communities. Paul helps other entrepreneurs navigate the successes and pitfalls of building an online business through his public speaking and consulting services.